From sunset till sunrise in Bishkek marshrutka
Bishkek morning. The day begins with testing how to get into the minibus. If you were able to get somewhere, then it is tantamount to a miracle. But there is still a way back. In the evening it is already colder, and the transport is quite crowded. All Bishkek residents have a dumb question, when will this end?
I have conducted an experiment — to spend a full shift in a Bishkek minibus — from dawn to dusk.
He never knows how much private fixed-route taxi companies actually earn and what percentage could go to the city budget if it were public transport.
There are a lot of rumors that there is a minibus lobby and that routes are bought, that there are even special schemes when trolleybus drivers are bribed so that they do not go on trips during peak hours.
Whether this is really so, I can judge if I conduct my own experiment and try to calculate how many people transport minibuses daily, how much they get for it and to whom they give the proceeds.
There are almost half a million cars for about a million inhabitants in Bishkek. At the same time, we only have about 100 buses and 100 trolleybuses on 11 old routes. The entire city is covered by a transport network of diesel minibuses — more than 1300 units, owned by private companies.
Assuming that with the effective organization of urban public transport, income would go to the municipal budget, which could go to the development of the transport network.
How many people per flight carries a minibus:
How many flights per day:
Load peaks over time:
How much passengers paid per day/week:
How much income remains minus the cost of paying the driver and fuel:
Multiply this amount by the number of minibuses leaving the flight daily:
Multiply by the amount when the rate increases.
Compare with the fare and salary level (Moscow, Tallinn, Almaty).
Transport cost calculation:
15 som - 840 som per month
20 soms - 1120 soms per month
This is 1/20 of the RFP (20450 soms per month). (21082) - 0.05 (5.31%)
55 p. - 3080 rubles
3080/ 111092 = share of transport costs from salary - 0.027 (2.7%)
3816.65 (som)
salary 1419 (EUR), Ticket for 30 days: 30 € = 0.02 = 2% (free).
“Public transport in Tallinn is free only for registered residents of the capital.”
Line 212 minibus
Average passenger number at every minibus 57
Approximate number of passengers during the day 8771
Number of passengers for month 240420 175420 65000
Total Fare amount per month (soms) 3606300
EUR 463187,413
Aproximate number of drivers per line (153/5) 31
INCOME the line's owner (soms per month X 31 drivers) | 168300 | 1801 |
EUR/ YEAR | 21616 |
DRIVER INCOME (per mounth) | 48000 | 514 |
Income for normal working day per month | 250,8 | |
Income per year | 3010 |
Working scheduale 4/1 (number of working days per month 24
5/2 22
Working hours per 15 hours-working day 4/1 360
Working hours per 8 hours-working day 5/2 176
Soms | EUR | |
Income (Cost for line) | 5500 | 59 |
Income Month (1300 minibuses) | 7150000 | 76528 |
Income Year | 85800000 | 918335 |
Number of municipal passengers (130 buses, 120 trolleys) 14250
Soms | EUR | |
Payments per Day | 156750 | 1678 |
Month | 50332 | |
Year | 603982 |
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